Wearing merino comes with its advantages
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After years and years of different Patagonia non natural fiber boxers that I thought were the best, I have become a "dyed in the wool" natural fiber afficionado, with wool being my favorite. I first bought one pair, then 6 more and I will soon replace my entire underwear drawer with these boxers. I absolutely love them and they are a game changer for me personally. Not to mention being from Oregon, it just makes sense to me.
I'm all-merino, all the time for socks and underwear, but with one exception: during "shorts weather," I really prefer boxers to boxer briefs. Boxers in merino are harder to find, so I have tried some synthetics from Chill Boys and Ex-Officio. They are great ... but not quite as great as merino! Now that Wool & Prince have them, I'm stocking up. You should, too! Not only will you be glad you did, but we need a lot of folks to jump on this bandwagon so that W&P keep making them! IMO, this is basically the perfect underwear.
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