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Ian Kesterson

Ian Kesterson is an Oregonian who took his multitude of talents to the Bay Area. His adoration for trees began when he first worked at his friend’s father’s tree company. Ever since then, he’s spoken the language of the trees. He now runs an urban tree planting initiative in Berkeley, California, where his role is crossed between a mad botanist, community activist, and urban planner.

You can follow his work on his Instagram: @ianforkes.

I'm an arborist. That means I climb a lot of trees and geek out about how trees somehow grow in our built up cities. Currently, I run a tree planting program to expand our urban forest into the low canopy cover parts of our city. I'm outside most of the day, walking the streets, riding my bike around, jamming back to city hall for a meeting to drum up some funding. If it's a slow day, I'll hit the climbing gym at lunch time.

With my wildest tree climbing days behind me, I now am in a role where I design the urban forest that will shade us into the weird and unknown future. This is great because I can spend my whole summer riding my bike around town for the most part. Nothing like seeing a dude roll up on a steel framed cruiser (Rivendell bikes, best out there—look it up) and wearing his Birkenstock clogs to inspire confidence in the Berkeley crowd. It’s important to play the role as “Chief Tree Hugger.” If a tree ever goes down, we all drop what we’re doing to take care of the situation. Clogs come off, chainsaw protective pants come on, and I trade my bike for a crane truck. There is a special way about how a downed tree twisted in the utility lines in the middle of a winter rain storm can really show you how much you have your skillset figured out.

What's an ideal five day trip look like for you?
The key player in this mix is my little brother and adventure companion. Everything's better with a buddy, and I’m happy to be stuck with a best friend who is a different combination of all my ingredients. The rest of our ragtag group usually fills out like the asteroid-fighting squad from Armageddon (best movie ever?): a couple team leaders with a diverse crew of technically skilled, but socially awkward/hilarious, anti-hero misfits. I’m heading to the hills to find a backcountry hut deep in the mountains for some midwinter snowboarding. The phones get turned off, the stove gets turned on, and you live for a handful of days off a diet of deep powder, epic views, wood chopping, and warm fires. The bunks are usually lumpy, there’s a bit too much dude smell by the end (get some wool, guys), and it’s generally a pretty long hike in with a big pack. Once you’re up in your spot, you’re all alone with the crew and mediocre meals like spaghetti or taco night turn into Michelin Stars with a spork. I’m always better for taking a week like this and I’m currently planning this winter’s party in a new range. Know any spots?

Unfortunately, what’s awesome for me [...] makes me a bad customer (I only have three shirts, and they do it all).


What was that about wool?
I like that I can just kind of forget about it. Right now I'm wearing W&P full time as my day-to-day and active base layer. Underwear and t-shirts do the job for me. It started as a one bag travel thing, but now I just wear this kit of three shirts pretty much all the time. If I’m in the tree or at City Hall, I’m pretty set up. During fun times, I don’t need to change to go climbing at the gym, work my way up a mountain, or ride my bike. Most importantly, my wife thinks I look cool. Unfortunately, what’s awesome for me (three shirts that do it all) makes me a bad customer (I only have three shirts, and they do it all). But when Grandpa’s old wool work shirts run out of space to throw a patch, I’ll know where to go.

{{ get-the-look }}

Finally as a Blazers fan in enemy territory, we asked him what his predictions were for this coming season.
Last season, as soon as Dame ended the Thunder round with the Bye Bye Bye shot, I got some tickets to the Nuggets series. My wife (new Blazers convert, she likes the good teamwork) and I went up to Portland for a quick two day trip for game four. That was the one that went into four overtimes and it locked my wife in forever. Anyhow, I watched all the games so far and am so psyched for some fun this year. A Blazers season is like watching a Mighty Ducks sequel for eight months.

Ian’s commitment to sustainability and experiencing all of what life has to offer inspires the clothes we design. From the tree tops to the back country, we strive to provide a product that’s going to give you exactly what you need, when you need it. The looking good comes as a bonus.  Feel that you push our clothes to their limits? Submit your application to become a Wool&Prince field tester today.

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Nate Higgins and Nick Armour

Nate Higgins and Nick Armour

Two guys get a vision to create a place for people to eat fresh, healthy food. Eight years later, they've opened six locations and have just launched a plant-based, protein bar to fuel all of your adventures.   Kure Juice Bar

Ian Pratt

Ian Pratt

Ian is a space creator and community builder in Portland, Oregon. He recently started a modern social club called The Weller Society, one part co-working space, one part event society, one part hotel lobby, one part incubator.
